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Get Control and Confidence Managing your Money

Finances can be very stressful – mostly because of uncertainty about your current financial reality, about your future goals, and choosing the best path forward.  Goaled gives you a single place to understand your financial needs now and plan for the future.  Goaled uses psychology and education to give you the confidence you need to build your financial future.

Know Where You Are

Goaled uses highly secure account linking to track your bank, credit and investment accounts so you know your net worth and understand your spending and investment performance

Find where you want to be

Set goals for retirement, emergency fund, debt pay down, or other financial objectives like college or vacations.  Track performance and, coming soon, automated savings!

Goaled takes you there

Through budgeting tools and investment calculators, Goaled helps you find ways to save, learn how to invest, and gives you important updates on your progress

World-Class Privacy and Security

Goaled has leveraged decades of experience helping the largest US financial, healthcare and defense companies keep their data secure, private, and delete-able.  Your data is never stored or transmitted  outside or even within the Goaled systems without secure encryption.

But security is about people, too.  We secure internal access then record and review all access to your data from our care staff.  We follow all systems and processes required from FINRA and the US Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Finally, your data is yours and never sold or transmitted to third parties.

Everything You Need

Goals Dashboard

Set and monitor your goals.  Research says setting clearly defined goals increases success tremendously

Net Worth

Automatically monitor all of your financial accounts from over 10,000 banks and financial institutions


Use Goaled’s auto-categorization, auto-budgeting, and AI assisted suggestions to quickly understand your spending and find ways to save


Get a comparison of your investments to expert guidelines for the best risk/return possible.  Get guides to help you keep your portfolio in balance between stocks and bonds

Trade (COming Q1 2024)

Jump start your saving with automated investments or buy and sell all major equities  and ETFs


Get Goaled and community provided educational videos, notes, and documents that help you learn financial concepts.  All community provided aids are curated to ensure the advice is always accurate and in your best interest

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